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Hair Today (a mission masterclass)


This is an exciting day for me. Not only am I having my hair ‘done’ this afternoon for the first time in over six months, but I also received my Dyson Airwrap this morning.

This is exciting because they’re as rare as the proverbial hen’s teeth and coveted by anyone who’s even done the most fleeting research into hair stylers. And it occurred to me that Dyson have achieved something incredible here. In pretty much every market that they operate in, they are streets ahead of their competitors. Their products are in demand because they are, in the words of many reviewers, ‘life changing’. That’s quite an achievement when you’re talking about home and personal appliances.

There’s no shouty advertising, themed promotions or hard sell. People buy Dyson products (vacuum cleaners, fans, hand dryers, washing machines, hair stylers) because they take something incredibly tedious and completely reinvent it into something joyful and very slightly magical.

And my cockles are warmed to see how the mission (and their company values) are applied across every area of their business; from HR, to the buildings they work in, and the projects they fund (have a look at this if you're interested to see how).

I work with people and businesses on their mission statements, and Dyson’s is so spot on, I could’ve guessed it. That’s when you know your brand is authentic and powerful:

‘We solve the problems others ignore’.

And they interpret this on their website as:

So reflecting on your own business, what’s your mission? Could your customers (and colleagues) guess it without you telling them? If not, why? And do your products, website and other communications truly reflect this mission?

If you’d like some help answering these questions, and seeing how important decisions about products, pricing and marketing can all be made once you’re clear on your mission, please get in touch and I’d love to talk to you about it. But right now, I have an important appointment to get to…



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